Friday, February 6, 2009

His Fire Kids Blog
“Let No Man Despise thy Youth but be thou an Example of the Believers….”

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February 2009
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September 12, 2008: A PowerClub Boy Raises Baby from the Dead!
September 11, 2008: Kids Meet McCain
July 24, 2008: Basic Bible Class - Scripture Memory Online Class??????
July 12, 2008: Please Pray with Us
July 8, 2008: Hey my girls!!!
July 2, 2008: Weekly Hearing God Class - Element List
June 25, 2008: Poem "Frustrated"
June 23, 2008: Free Flag Workshop This Friday
June 1, 2008: God is moving with the YOUTH! Love it! Watch!
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A PowerClub Boy Raises Baby from the Dead!

September 12, 2008 by admin.
Hi everyone,
I just had to share this testimony of God’s grace…..God will use anyone to do miracles……anyone who believes….
We have some of the article below but here is the link…Becky has alot of other great testimonies and useful info and a sale going on……
A Message From Becky

The Unbelievable! A PowerClub Kid Raises a Baby from the Dead!
OK. If this is a stretch for you to believe, I understand. I had to blink hard a couple times myself when this report first came in from our KIMI Latin America director Ana Lilia Zertuche. It’s easy for me to believe kids can heal the sick. I’ve seen it done over and over again. It’s easy for me to accept them as profound prayer warriors. It happens in almost every one of our conferences. It’s easy for me to acknowledge kids giving prophetic words to people very accurately. I’ve heard them do it repeatedly reading people’s private mail and changing people’s lives. Though I’ve never seen it personally, I have heard a number of stories where children have cast out devils. I believe it.
And I also believe kids can raise the dead. But in all my years of preaching this message I have only heard of one story where this actually happened. And it’s a 20 year old story told to me by a man in Africa. So when this story came in about one of our very own PowerClub kids, I wanted to get as many of the facts as possible and get it documented the best we could. Let me tell you the whole story as told to me by Ana Lilia.
About a year ago a man, Hugo, in Mexico City saw the movie Jesus Camp. (Isn’t that interesting????) He wrote to us here in the states and wanted to get involved with our ministry because of what he saw in the movie. So naturally we put him in contact with Ana Lilia since she lives in Mexico.
Very shortly after this Hugo asked Ana Lilia to train him so he could begin a PowerClub in Mexico City. He was so excited to begin. After training and receiving our KIMI curriculums in Spanish, he started with three kids, then eight, then twenty, and before long he had 100 children attending his PowerClub. He was desperate for a bigger meeting place.
A father of one of the children attending was so impressed with the changes that he saw in his own son, that he started attending the PowerClub himself. He was a disenfranchised Christian who had given up on church. But this ministry so impressed him, that he immediately began paying the rent on a facility for Hugo to hold his hundred kids. Hugo has now been teaching these children with our KIMI curriculums for a year.
Now fast forward to just within the last six weeks where our miracle story begins. Hugo’s twelve year old son Estaban had a sudden appendicitis attack and was rushed to the hospital for surgery. While he was there, the report went out through the patients in the hospital that a little baby had died. It was a preemie, and the doctors had worked on him for at least two hours before giving up, pulling all life support from him, and announcing to the parents that little Ezekial was officially dead.
When Estaban heard the story he immediately asked his mother if he could go and pray for the baby. He insisted on praying that the baby would be resurrected. His mother tried to redirect him to pray for the parents who surely needed their prayers, but Estaban was insistent about praying that the baby would be resurrected.
Finally his mother led Estaban, still hooked up to his own IV’s, down the hallway to the baby’s room, but of course the nurses would not allow them to go in. So undaunted, Estaban began to pray in the hallway, outside the door of the baby. Everyone around him heard his prayer for the baby to come back to life. Finally he was done and confidently declared to his mother, “The baby WILL be resurrected.” With that they went back to their own room.
It wasn’t but about a half an hour later, one of the nurses came running into their room with the news—the baby was indeed alive again!!!!Everyone, including the doctors declared it an absolute miracle!
Hugo and his family visited little Ezekial and his parents several times, and just in the last week or two they finally were allowed to take little Ezekial home.
(please click the link above for the rest of the article=)
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September 11, 2008 by Goldens.
While IS NOT A POLITICAL GROUP =) and DOES NOT PROMOTE ANY SPECIFIC CANDIDATES…..we do love God and any opportunity He gives us to PRAY for, EXPERIENCE and PARTICIPATE in the political process! One of these photos actually was on an official campaign website!!!
We also conducted a silly interview listed below to ask the kiddos WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO GO TO A POLITICAL RALLY! Ice cream was the BIGGEST HIT……..
It was an amazing experience….

Interview with a HFK family: “WHAT AN EXPERIENCE”

HFK question: How did you feel when you arrived at the McCain event?HFK Kid: “I thought that we would never make it in, but got to enter as VIP’s.”
HFK: What does that mean? “Entering before other people and getting a very good spot.”
HFK: How did you get up to McCain?“We had to stay in line and wait for the security guard to check us. Then one of the McCain volunteers helped us to get to the front of the line because of our family size (and God’s favor).”
HFK: How did you FEEL when you actually met McCain face to face?
- “I was standing right there, someone stepped on my toe and pushed me so I didn’t get to shake his hand. Before Senator McCain came near, his security guards would tell us to step back, put your pens away and any equipment away. “- “It was mind boggling, if he actually becomes the President, I would have met and hugged the president of theUSA.”
HFK: What was the weirdest experience?
“I had to go through the medal detector thingy AND IT WENT OFF, and I was very scared like they were going to pull me aside and bring me downtown…. The men all had very serious faces like I did something wrong. It was my metal belt!“
HFK: What was the coolest thing?
-“When he (McCain) drove up in his bus, the music was pumping loud, we were eating free ice cream and the crowd was screaming his name. They had Oreos, ice cream sandwiches, cherry bombs, screwballs, rockets the list goes on and on. When we heard that it was free, I had three!!!! When he started speaking the protestors were screaming “McCain hurts Maine” and we were all pumped up and screamed back “McCain lovesMaine”-“I thought it was cool that while I was taking pictures of him he was looking straight at me and we actually had an eye connection for 5 seconds. If he becomes President he might actually remember me.
HFK: How did you end up on the front cover of Candidate
“I was holding my popsicle and a McCain poster and a guy came up to me and took my picture. I didn’t know that he was going to put it on a website!!!
HFK: What about the protestors?
“They were very annoying, some wore pink shirts that said” planned parenthood” on them. They held signs that said, “Birth control, not bans” The protestors called McCain a criminal. Some of them called him mean for not letting people live the way they want to live. “

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Basic Bible Class - Scripture Memory Online Class??????

July 24, 2008 by admin.
We are praying about adding a basic bible / memorization section to our online class offerings in late fall …currently we have a weekly online “Hearing God” class instructed by River Of Life at Kingdom Power Ministries….it has been going well. This class gives a fun chance for kids to practice hearing Him…….At this point, God has been pointing out a need to help in the basics of bible understanding and memorization….
We were thinking of offering minor prizes for those who meet pre-determined criteria to make it interesting (any ideas or prizes you have to donate in order help are welcome=) We’d chat, read the bible, answer questions, recite memorized scripture, and other things depending upon the age of the enrolled students.
So if you have a child that you are interested in having participate in an online class or conference call “class” that will meet either weekly or bi-weekly on the computer for about 45min-1 hr plus free chat time the kids like to talk to their peers….
Please email us at if you have potential participant OR if you have some materials or suggestions….
Many Blessings,
“Our Children will hear about the wonders of the Lord. His righteous acts will be told to those yet unborn. They will hear about everthing He has done.” Psalm 22:30b-31
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Please Pray with Us

July 12, 2008 by admin.
The Prayer Needs List has been updated on our main site:…..please join us as we pray for others. For most items the people have requested prayer support….. Here is the LINK
The request for the “Roots” kids is brief but the NEEDS are REAL….we promised not to share details BUT PLEASE pray for these kiddos. God LOVES them =)
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Hey my girls!!!

July 8, 2008 by LH.
Hey Girls out there!
Okay let’s get down to business. Mostly if I said, what’s the most annoying in life to you, you might say: Boys. Let’s say your brother or a boy at your school starts picking on you and you yell: “STOP!” And you stay mad for the whole entire day. When you get mad don’t yell and think of mean plans for him or her. The bible says “Be angry but sin not.” So when you get mad, walk into another room, take a bath or read the Bible; mostly ANTHING get your mind of of of the fight. So do what you can do to try to ignore the teasing.
This is LH over and out.
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July 3, 2008 by admin.
We received this awesome news thru an awesome prophetic friend who received it from Kathie Walter’s email group & figured we had to share it! This is so encouraging…….God uses young people to raise the dead!
More Lord!
“This is one of the most incredible miracles I have ever read, and it was done through two teenagers! God is definitely on the move…more Lord!
From Dave Duggan (
Dear friends,
This is a testimony from a young lady in our church ( 14) , who was part of team used by God to raise a stillborn baby from the dead in Guatemala. We know this young lady personally. Her character and integrity are without reproach. You are about to read a bonafide, contemporary Lazarus resurrection story. This is as close to the flame of a literal resurrection from the dead as we have ever been!
BIG blessings,
Dave and Anita
My name is Abby. I am 14 years old. I live in western North Carolina. During the summer of 2008, I went on a ministry trip to Guatemala. During part of the trip, we divided up into small ministry teams (5 to 7 people) and visited different villages in the San Pedro La Laguna area. We traveled from village to village telling the Indian people about Jesus. On one particular day, we were visiting in the home of young woman. She lived in a small village of about 14 or 15 houses. We were trying to lead the young lady to Christ, but it was not going very well. After awhile, we decided to move on. Before leaving, we asked the woman if we could pray with her about anything in her life. She told us that just the day before, she had given birth to a stillborn baby and that we could pray with her about that. In Guatemalan culture there is great shame and condemnation on mothers who give birth to deformed or stillborn children. We prayed a simple prayer that everything would go well with the funeral and burial of the baby and that the mother would be spared the shame and condemnation associated with having given birth to a stillborn child. As we were praying this simple prayer, my friend and fellow ministry team member, Julia (age 17), told me that we needed to pray over the baby’s body. I thought she was crazy to suggest this and that it was not a good idea. Julia was persistent. She said again that we really needed to pray over the baby’s body. She told me to ask the mother if she still had the baby’s body. When I asked, the mother told us the baby’s body was wrapped up in a burial cloth in the backroom. I asked her if we could pray over the body. The mother hesitantly said, yes. We went into the backroom and saw the baby’s body wrapped up in a bundle on the bed. Julia poked her head out of the back room and asked if she could unwrap the baby’s head. The mother said, yes, if we wrapped it back correctly when we were done. Julia picked up the body and unwrapped the head. The baby’s head was tiny and pale. The baby was stillborn and had been dead outside the womb for 27 hours. Her skin had turned shades of purple. Our entire ministry team, five of us, began crying and praying over this baby. We prayed for thirty to forty minutes. At the end of that time, Julia screamed out to God, telling him that she believed with all of her heart that this baby could be raised from the dead. After Julia screamed out, everyone was silent. We were quietly interceding and praying. Within a few minutes, the baby started moving. Then the baby coughed and began crying. The mother came rushing into the room. She was screaming, what is going? No one could answer her. We were just staring at the baby, who had come back to life. The mother asked us again, what is going on? She began crying as she saw that her baby was alive. She ran out of the house and banged on every door in the village, telling all of the people that God is real because her baby was alive. Within about thirty minutes, the baby’s skin tone and movements had become completely normal.

Five days later, we returned to the village to check in on the mother and the baby. The village had prepared a big dinner in honor of our team. We enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship together. The baby, whom they named Julia, was perfectly healthy and had gained weight. Even after five days, the mother was still shaking from the impact of God on her life through the resurrection of her child. Two days after our follow-up visit, the mother brought baby Julia to church. The mother was still shaking from the power of God on her life following this astounding miracle.
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Weekly Hearing God Class - Element List

July 2, 2008 by DolphinHead.
Hi! We are doing an ONLINE weekly Hearing God class and for all you people that are in it, here is the element list for our games & instruction….. If you are NOT in the Class and you’re interested in joining us please let us know….it is for young people who want to learn about hearing and understanding God, biblical understanding of dreams, and more. It is fun and a stretch…..there is also HW……
Element List - These are guidelines only…the Holy Spirit is the Teacher!
COLORBlue-Revelation Communion Depression, SorrowWhite-Holy Spirit Power Religious spiritGreen-Growth Prosperity Envy, jealousyRed-Wisdom Anointing Anger, warGold-Holy, purity, Glory, Idolatry
NUMBERS1-God2-Multiplication, Division3-Godhead Trinity4-God’s creative works5-Grace
ANIMALSCat- Nine-lives, Independent thinkingKittens-Young Giftedness, MischiefSnake-Could be healing, Wisdom Lies, deception, long tailsBear-Bear hug, Affection , Fierce attacker, demonicDog-Friend, Loyal, Harmful,unbeliever
FRUITApple-Peace, Good healthGrapes-Promise of what is to comeOranges-Love, BlessedPumpkin-Harvest, Fruit, provisionTomato-Kindness, Mercy
VEHICLEBus-Church, Large area of influenceCar-Job, Ministry, lifeBoat-Moving in the SpiritTrain-Large church, MinistryTruck-Ready to work, Carry much
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Poem “Frustrated”

June 25, 2008 by admin.
This poem is by Crystal Plummer our dance teacher who does ALOT to help many others who many neglect…..I love it…… reminds me that we need to be folks that IMPACT the world around us….Heidi Bakker says she “stops for the one”….we need to HELP those in NEED….
Frustrated Poem
what will it take for you to noticefor you to help, for you to seewhat would it take for you to notice
for you to realize it’s not all about me
what will it take for you to get up
look around and take a stand
what would it take for you to get up
and make yourself lend a hand
is there not enough wrong?
do you not hear them cry?
do you not watch the news?
do you not see them die?
can you see they are alone?
can you see they are sick?
can you see all the hurt?
or are you just that thick?
will it take for you to be blind?
will it take for you to bleed?
will it take for you to loose everything?
will it take for you to need?
will it take for you to have the disease?
will it take for you to be hungry?
will it take for you to be alone?
will it take for you to suffer greatly?
if you need to be blind so you can see
if the cure for apathy is a disease
if you would want people to give
because you yourself were in need
then that is what I wish
for you my friend
if it would push you to make a change
in the end
sadly then, the irony that I see
is for us to look outside ourselves
it must be
all about ME…..:(
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Free Flag Workshop This Friday

June 23, 2008 by admin.

There will be a free flag workshop….by the Destiny Visual Arts Team led by Wendy…….
We hope to activate the kids, youth & adults in worship using colorful flags & streamers…..if you can come….please let us know….if you can’t we just ask for your prayers…thanks!
“Flag FUNdamentals”

FREE Workshop by Destiny Visual Arts Team

Fri, June 27th 4:00-5:30

Location: Eternity Dance Center
432 Elm St, Biddeford, ME
Please let us know if you are planning to come:
For more details…..Here is the LINK on our kids& youth site….
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God is moving with the YOUTH! Love it! Watch!

June 1, 2008 by admin.
Here is another video that really inspires….God is giving these kids a fun day ! A chance to mix it up with HIM…..
One girls says her paralyzed arm grew 4 inches and is healed! Oh my….to GOD BE the glory! At Morningstar Ministries in NC……
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